For the last 10 years Sonnenstrahl has cooked their own food for the children.

Claudia,  Sigrid und Eva cook daily for all Sonnenstrahl houses: IDC, Italienerstraße and Völkendorf. It is a matter of interest to them to offer healthy and balanced meals – both for the snack and lunch.

In our Sonnenstrahl kitchen we undertake compliance with the following criteria, which is set by us:

  • Use of high quality oils
  • No flavour enhancers
  • Baking with a minimum of 50% of whole grain flour
  • Rice and noodles in full-grain variation are offered in at least 50% of the meals (brown rice, whole wheat pasta).
  • Fish offered at least once a month.
  • Legumes are offered at least once a week

We buy local and seasonal food partly from organic farms:

  • Organic milk from the farm Unterberger in Drautal
  • Organic eggs from the Löschenkohl family in Bad Eisenkappel
  • Organic meat from the Ilgenfritz family
  • Bread from the Weissensteiner bakery, Bad Kleinkirchheim
  • Attention is paid to purchases of all foods, on the regionality and seasonality of products.

The food for the centers in Italianerstraße, Völkendorf and for the International Day Care Center is stowed in heat boxes, delivered by our Sonnenstrahl car and is not reheated. It gets served directly onto the children’s plates.



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